So today, on Easter Sunday, I decided it was time to finally remove my beloved live Christmas tree from my wonderful garden.
I loved this tree so much –– as did all the neighbors and those who could see it –– but perhaps 3 months after the fact, it’s time to take it down.
Since it was kept outside, it really did last for about 2+ months, but lately began to brown considerably, and since I’m moving in a little over a week, it felt appropriate to remove it on another Christian holiday.
At dinner tonight the 9 year-old-ish (I’m guessing) daughter of my college roommate did say as a way of consoling me, that I what this means is that I will have a shorter wait for my next Christmas tree.
I really like that –– Christmas is coming for everyone … but (perceptually) a little bit sooner for me.
I’m counting that as a win!

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