Chainsaws Solve Everything

Last February, I left an apartment I loved.

(I really didn’t want to.)

It had a huge terrace that was empty when I moved in.

Through Freecycle, I found this donated tree, the one in the background.

(Honestly, it was really more of a six-foot-tall twig.)

And then, over five years, it grew to this.

(It’s the same tree, I swear.)

When I had to move, I was determined to take my tree with me.

(We’d been through a lot together in those five years.)

But…have you ever tried to move a two-story-tall tree in New York City?

It was obviously way too big for the elevator.

I even considered hauling it over the balcony, like they move grand pianos.

(Unfortunately, all the piano movers I called didn’t want to “branch out” ––sorry about the pun––and start transporting trees.)

But I refused to give up.

I bought a chainsaw.

I found movers who seemed up for a challenge.

(In fact, it added an extra three hours to the move.)

After many false starts, in the end, we had to topple the tree on its side and trim about 12 feet of branches at the top.

Then I realized the pot was too big to go back through the apartment door.

We had to saw that off and remove a few inches of soil all around by hand.

Next, the tree had to be wrapped tightly in plastic since the branches reached out 30 feet wide, at least, and the roots were raw.

And…somehow, we did it!

My heroic movers got my tree across one NYC borough and onto my new (much smaller) terrace.

(Don’t worry, I tipped them very well.)

And, despite my fears that its roots were exposed to the winter in its makeshift transport, that spring it bloomed perfectly.

And yesterday, this happened:

As it looks out at the Freedom Tower, my tree is blooming again.

Here are the takeaways and why I’m offering this story in this crazy, difficult time:

• Trees are hard to move (obviously). 

• It’s important to never give up on the trees (and also the people) you love.

• Lots of life’s problems can be solved with chainsaws (and creativity).

• Spring always comes…things will bloom again.

In other words….Hang in there…

Namaste for Now,


P.S. Yoga today, and every Sunday, at noon for $1 HERE 

Or a month-long “yoga every day” (with recordings) pass HERE.

And since it’s Zoom and live, Belle and I promise to pan over and introduce you to our tree.

2 Responses

  1. I love this story, your determination, and your creativity in resolving the challenge of moving the tree. Reminds me of this saying: “Do what you can from where you are with what you have…” (forgot who said that, sorry). Thank you for sharing. Love the first terrace and the view of the freedom tower. 🙂

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