Sometime after the Dolphin swim, my system was overloaded with Abraham-Hicks high vibrations and I lost my voice.
Then I returned to SF and moved everything else out of the cottage, fled to Mill Valley to stay with my college roommate for 2 nights (which sounds like the plot of another god-awful Adam Sandler movie, provided I decided to stay indefinitely and wreak havoc on the household), then returned to NYC where I am right now with Belle at my feet, prepping to shoot my book trailer starting today and extending all weekend.
The main thing is that I am back on the blogging track –– as is Belle –– although some of these entries are going to be shorter and more photo-based given the volume of activity at the moment.  [IE, I am ignoring tiny little things, like handing in the manuscript that’s about to be published.]
The main thing, however, is that resoundingly, I’m fully back on the Interwebs and ready to share.

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