

spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

I did not consciously plan this, yet I also acknowledge that the timing is flawless. As I’m exploring The Power of Ritual (March Meditation HERE) this month, I just realized that I’m celebrating the anniversary of one of my own most potent practices. You see, I have taught an online yoga class every ...
Sometimes, it’s glaringly evident that the Universe has a keen, even biting, sense of humor. I was keenly aware of that this week as the quirkiest signs and synchronicities––all surrounding birthdays––repeated and amplified. It all began when, due to more pressing commitments, I had to abandon my pla...
Last week, exploring this month’s theme of The Power of Ritual (March Meditation HERE), I shared my secret for consistent piano practice. Namely, I committed to 13 minutes a day, an amount of time I can manage both in my schedule, and far more importantly, my mind perceives as non-overwhelming. By do...
March Meditation HERE It might be boastful to call it “The Social Event of the Year” but frankly it was. That is, Vlad’s birthday party celebration this past Sunday. Our favorite hipster coffee shop/micro-brewery (only in Bushwick!) volunteered to host it for him, and when the guests soared to ove...
Marginally less vacuuming. Honestly, that’s been the only silver lining I can think of regarding Malibu (Vlad’s best friend)’s absence this week. Mind you, nothing untoward has happened. Bobby and Neb, his parents, have gone on a family getaway to the Caribbean, which means Malibu is staying with ...
This guided meditation is 8 minutes long with an extra 16 minutes more of music by my talented friend David Buchs. You can stream it here or download in the link below. CLICK HERE TODownload
Vlad’s B’Day Invite HERE Feb Meditation HERE I knew it would be the highlight of my week. Specifically, my semi-annual dental exam and cleaning. After years of neglecting my teeth in my 20s, I’ve become religious about my routine. Even though I’m reading Werner Herzog‘s ne...
Although it’s often part of our longer Sunday walk, Vlad and I rarely make purchases at the used bookstore in our neighborhood. We already have lifetimes of reading stacked in front of us, particularly given the literary dopamine rush that comes from instant delivery to our Kindle. Yet this was one p...
The consequences of taking a leap of faith are by definition unknown. I have no statistics, but I wonder if following the famed advice from naturalist John Burroughs––  “Leap and the net will appear” ––Has resulted in more broken bones than safe landings. I could easily have pr...