

spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

The events of the day––the 3 No Shows––had definitely thrown me off, but oddly it was the funeral that picked me right back up again. I was somewhat anticipating the first No Show. Although my business partner and friend for a Wellness project is very reliable, I also knew she was traveling in Asia a...
I don’t recall who told me it was improper, but I suspect a well-bred college friend, overly-versed in Emily Post etiquette and dramatic rebellion. (I also have a secondary suspect, but more on that later.) It doesn’t really matter to the narrative, however, but it certainly isn’t something I was tol...
It was exactly the wrong message at the perfect time. Given that most of my projects don’t require my leaving my desk chair these days, I find myself riding the subway only rarely. However, this week, it was indeed the most efficient mode of transportation for my annual physical at my Upper West Side...
One of the benefits of having taught yoga for so many years is that I can almost always pluck a poetic and highly applicable 13th century Rumi quote from the ethers when needed. In thinking about this month’s theme––The Power of Intention, new meditation HERE––several spring to mind. Perhaps most not...
It was a little over a year ago, and although somewhat comic for us bystanders, it was not a particularly auspicious beginning, and certainly not the one I had intended. Specifically, I’m referring to Vlad’s swimming career. Last May, at the Prospect Park birthday part for Bobby, Vlad’s best friend M...
This guided meditation is 7 minutes long with an extra 12 minutes more of music by my talented friend David Buchs. You can stream it here or download in the link below. Click toDownload
Enjoy his very first swimming experience, his Prospect Park success, and his Connecticut lake Michael Phelps-level mastery. First, following his sister Dua into the water. (Also Note Malibu ambush cameo at the end). Then, a more tame Prospect Park Dog Beach experience. And the...
It was over two decades ago but I still remember how confounded I was. At first, I was pleased that this was a problem I could easily and simply solve. (How rare is that?) But that satisfaction slowly evaporated, morphing into frustration that my no-strings-attached offer was somehow left dangling...