
Every single day, it happens five times. And at random intervals. Since I never know when it’s going to occur, I’m always surprised when I see it. I look down at my Apple watch or my iPhone to see a text saying: No, I’m not being threatened by anyone in particular. (At least not through this a...
The day was not going well. Riding the subway, I was already very cranky. It was over a decade ago when I was still teaching yoga privately. I had entered into a partnership with a 5-star hotel with residences where this was pretty much the view from the private apartments on the 55th floor. I had...
The New Meditation of the Month is HERE. This year, in particular, it sometimes feels like nothing is happening. So much is being postponed or canceled, there’s a weird, almost frozen quality to life.  Often, it’s like living in a perpetual state of déjà vu. And yet… Somehow my garden never ...
This guided visualization meditation is 7 minutes long, followed 8 minutes more of music by my friend David Buchs. It can be streamed or downloaded. I really hope you enjoy it! Click toDownload
Here’s my favorite story to tell someone when they’re freaking out about money. (Most of the time it helps.) Years ago, I wrote a book that included the final interview with Stella Adler. Stella was the legendary acting teacher of Marlon Brando and Robert DeNiro and countless other stars. I even...
It was a year or two after college and I was living in NYC, sharing a fourth-floor walk-up with a dear college friend. I can’t remember exactly when I began piano lessons––it was definitely in elementary school––but I studied and practiced throughout Yale. Playing the piano was just part of my life; so...
Being quarantined really brings up unfinished business. It reminds me of something I wrote on page one of my novel DOWNWARD DOG about Corpse Pose. “Just try lying still for ten minutes. With nothing left to do, you’re finally forced to come face to face with yourself.” (sigh) Speaking of unfinis...
Although I had a lovely birthday last month, I do have one regret: I chose to skip my annual birthday ritual. Namely, falling back into a wheel from standing… Then springing back up… Once for each year of my life. Basically, this…. (You’re correct: it’s quite extreme). I wrote an ess...
The New Meditation is HERE. The Universe has a wicked sense of humor. Continuing my adventures with the E-Squared experiments, the next assignment was: • Ask “The Universe” a question with a 48-hour deadline. • Expect some kind of clear message. My question was immediately obvious. So was the d...