It’s not exactly science and yet…
I’ve found it to be a relatively infallible system.
Namely, if I want Malibu, Vlad’s best friend, to visit, I don’t need to text his owners.
Instead, I just need to vacuum.
(Vlad’s relationship with the vacuum is definitely complicated.)
You see, Vl...
I just assumed the phrase was always more or less with us.
Yet there actually is an origin story.
As I was researching other classic paradoxes for this month’s theme, it turns out that the line “Less is More” first appears in Andrea del Sarto, a poem by Robert Browning about the artist.
The poem b...
It’s not a problem I ever envisioned having.
More accurately, I never really calculated this particular disruption in my generally cozy life.
You see, this morning my iPhone told me the temperature outside with wind chill felt like -11°.
Blessed with excellent central heating, it seemed a perfect ...
This guided meditation is a little over 7 minutes long with an extra 10 minutes more of music by my talented friend David Buchs.
You can stream it here or download in the link below.
CLICK HERE toDownload
It may be a cliche, but as January winds down, I can’t help but wonder how many of us have already abandoned the resolutions we made––with all the best intentions––barely a month ago.
Gyms that are packed on January 2nd by mid-February often look like ghost towns.
Indeed, according to a recent NPR su...
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that it’s not always a walk through a lush meadow.
You see, although I’ve been extolling the virtues of Expansion this month––the theme of January’s meditation HERE––ever-increasing positive growth brings plenty of challenges.
Years ago, a friend who’s become a major...
It’s not just that I find it nearly impossible…
It’s also that I’m not sure I entirely agree with the principle.
(Some things really are about us, after all).
Specifically, I’m referring to the second of Don Miguel Ruiz’ Four Agreements:
“Never Take Anything Personally.”
My social life has enjoyed a dramatic upswing.
To be honest, I can take hardly any credit for this.
Indeed, it is almost entirely due to Vlad’s popularity.
Prior to his arrival, beyond my next door neighbors, I had at best a nodding acquaintance with my fellow residents.
Given that Vlad is basi...
Even though it might tarnish my “victory,” I’ve decided to come clean.
On Christmas Day, I played the spiritual board game Transformation with 2 friends.
Even though no fetch was involved and he really couldn’t participate directly, Vlad was generally supportive of our 3-hour activity.
More import...