

spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

First, I must report this as both a very quiet and yet very public victory, one that’s important to celebrate as the summer draws to a close. Namely, that ever since June 26th, the baseball field has remained unlocked. Thanks to the spring-time efforts of my kindergarten teacher friend Bonnie and her...
This guided meditation is 7 minutes long with an extra 5 minutes more of music by my talented friend David Buchs You can stream it here or download in the link below. CLICK TODownload
Although I thought it could only happen in the movies, I’ve now witnessed it twice. I’m referring to that magical moment when you receive an uncanny crystal clear cosmic answer in public. I’m reminded of that scene early on in Annie Hall when Woody Allen in a movie line suffers through a pretentious ...
New Meditation HERE New Podcast HERE We all know the phenomenon of staring at something––for example, a simple word whose meaning and spelling we’ve always known–– so long that it gradually unravels. Letters suddenly seem like random scribbles. Definitions dissolve and all meaning evaporates. ...
Often the first (and sometimes greatest) challenge to Accessing Our Intuition is that there are so many other voices competing for airtime. Usually, they are loud and overconfident, demanding that we not only pay attention, but also follow their strong suggestions. I cannot help but be reminded of th...
It felt almost biblical. Indeed, the event definitely stirred some low-grade apocalyptic feelings. Two weeks ago, during the middle of my first pottery class––the one I wrote about HERE––I caused a flood. Specifically, after watering my vacationing upstairs neighbor’s terrace, I didn’t quite turn ...
This guided meditation is in a slightly different format. The guided portion is 9 minutes long.The meditation opens with 4 minutes of relaxation, 3 minutes of just music, and then 2 minutes of closure. Then there’s an extra 12 minutes of music if you want to stay and go deeper.As always, Ihave to ...
I’ve never actually made an official list but I definitely have a sense of what would be on it. Namely, I could easily bullet point multiple activities I’m convinced I’d be quite good at despite technically never actually having done any of them. Take, for example, surfing. All the years of yoga h...
Following his sister into the water…(with Malibu cameo at the end) And now…