An Embarrassment of Opportunity

Yesterday I read and posted a review on amazon for Christina Lewis Halpern’s LONELY AT THE TOP, a Kindle single (which means it’s an excellent short read for $1.99).
Christina is a friend of mine and she’s the sister of LLS, my creative collaborator, muse, fellow crackpot adventurer, and forever soulmate friend.
Christina’s story about their father and her own journey is very well-written, super-smart, and incredibly thought-provoking.  You should definitely check it out.  [FYI, I don’t own a kindle but there’s a kindle for mac program and I’m sure there’s one for any other computer situation, too.]  [Parenthetical 2:  Listen, I had a Danish Super-Model roommate in my loft for my last 2 years in NYC who is a FRIEND FOR LIFE, so I do understand that it’s hard to sympathize with the rich and gorgeous –– but seriously, even my arch-nemesis Charlize Theron has her troubles.]
Today –– besides dealing with all the Kübler-Ross stages regarding the loss of my sunglasses –– just as Christina writes from the perspective of coming from a major fortune, I’ve been struck by my own embarrassment of riches, ones that can somehow sometimes can get twisted into obligations or chores.
Anyway, all day today –– and as soon as this blog is done, I will return –– I’ve been deeply immersed in turning the novel into a screenplay.
Thank God I am such a great typist –– I don’t mean to boast but it’s like 90 wpm.
I just re-tested online to prove this to myself and you, dear reader.  It’s 102 words per minute with 7 errors — and I would quibble that some of those were how many spaces I used after periods, etc. — yielding a solid 95 WPM.  It’s nice to know I am 164% above average in this arena.
Anyway, today the 8 DVDs and 2.5 inch thick binder arrived for my Platinum Value Money Course, meaning I have about 9 hours of listening + some significant reading, largely focusing on the Opportunity that’s Right In Front of Me.
And yet … there’s too much opportunity (when I’m crying out for a moderately predictable source of cash flow!)
There’s so much new writing I have in my head that I want to get out –– at 102 – 7 = 95 words per minute.
Besides this script, there’s the children’s book re-write, the young adult series (who doesn’t want J.K. Rowling money –– I mean, come on).  There’s the workshop at the Lotus in 2 weeks + the online video course I’m designing around that.  There’s the interactive course for DAILY OM I’m creating and the Platinum Coaching Program I’m starting. There’s the new play I’ve outlined as well (LLS as a star) as the book Susan and I are writing –– well, mostly dreaming about while living it –– and scores of other projects.
I even have a new visual art series that is gorgeous and inspired and might get me stoned to death in various conservative communities.
And of course, in my heart of hearts, I am always and endlessly writing a Christmas Album for Celine Dion (sigh).
And now –– with 152 scene index cards staring at me as I translate 360 pages in 120 (current page count is 55 but that is deceptively optimistic) –– I am drowning in a true sea of opportunity.
The same issues that confront Christina in LONELY AT THE TOP, I’m wrestling with:  merit and achievement, worthiness and confidence, almost wishing for a smaller creative life but knowing that’s just not possible.
Right now, I, however, am opting for a simpler solution: it’s  time to catch up on 6 hours of CW programming.
From VAMPIRE DIARIES to NIKITA to SUPERNATURAL, I need to know that other super-good-looking people are busy fighting EVIL in the world before plunging again into the Deep Waters of my own Fortune of Opportunity tomorrow.
(Well … maybe after I transpose one more scene from the novel into dialogue and action lines.  Would that Belle were better at refilling my glass of scotch –– then life would really be Charlize Theron perfect.)

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