Listened to the last David Neagle Q&A call today and rather than try to get electronically called on during it to ask my question, I decided it was wiser (and more fun) to ask it turning a game of Transformation with Susan this afternoon.
If you don’t know what Transformation is … CHECK THIS OUT.
My question was about harmoniously blending my cosmically-assigned Human Design Strategy of “Wait for the Invitation” with the brilliant yet fundamentally action-oriented “Miracle Generating Activities” David Neagle coaches.
So many “against all odds” synchronicities in the game occurred…. TRULY.
One of the biggest:  There’s only 1 Transformation square of 65 (each player plays in his own section) and somehow I landed on it, and then Susan did immediately afterwards.   That’s NEVER happened before (in fact, I’ve never landed on the Transformation square in the dozen or so times I’ve played.)  And it was literally right after I said, “OK Universe, I get the lesson here totally –– let’s move on” and landing on that square moves you right up to the next level instantly.
In the final section of the game, a sort of “Next Steps” I got the same two Insight cards twice.  There are 100 cards, so Michael’s taught me the odds against that are 1 in 10,000.
And in the same Next Steps section, I accidentally picked up one angel card, shuffled the deck thoroughly, and it fell out again.  And it was an angel card that had already appeared in the game.
[IE, the same angel appearing 3 times given there are 100 angels means the odds are — I think — 10,000 times 100,  or 1 in an even million.  Mathematicians, feel free to correct me, but it’s still A LOT no matter what.]
Most importantly, I completely got the answer to my question, almost from the start of the game.  [And a few vital insights on the emotional level as well.]
Oh, and what is that angel, you may ask…


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