So Andrea Lake gave me the first two days of the Tony Robbin’s 7 day program for transforming your life ––I am waiting by my dropbox for the remainder –– and I have to say his “Hour of Power” was just the push I needed to really commit to a) not answering emails first thing and b) exercising.
[I have managed for the last month to do my favorite Abraham-Hicks meditation every morning, however, before getting out of bed which helps TREMENDOUSLY.]
Years of teaching privately + my own basic nature have made me so inclined to check emails the second I opened by eyes.  For years in NYC it was, in fact, necessary since I had two or three morning clients and I might just be leaving the apartment at 6 am on a wild goose chase to find someone had cancelled.
Now, however, although there are tons of things I have to respond to, pretty much nothing requires me being on duty and responding within 20 minutes first thing in the morning.
I am actually loving unrolling my mat in the morning and while my headstands are now at 10:30 –– I time them by listening to an Abraham-Hicks track –– I’ve begun my favorite hard-core workout again, CONVICT CONDITIONING, and I have to say my handstand is only at 1:30.  A full two minutes is required before I move to the next level, on my way to one-armed handstand push-ups.
One-armed handstand has always been a good friend of mine.  It’s super-impressive and does require serious strength (plus a few vital alignment points), but you never really have to hold it that long to hush the crowd.
I’m hoping that I will be able to add those extra 30 seconds soon, and be well on my way to mastering a prison workout.
In other news:  after some heavy-duty strategy and financial work today, I decided I’d earned an hour of meditation in the sensory deprivation float tank at Zazen.  I like it more and more each time (although I am NOT regressing like William Hurt in ALTERED STATES.)
Also … Important conference with publisher for the novel scheduled for Friday.
And finally after my 9pm client call, I think I just might watch THE ITALIAN JOB again to relish the scenes with the Mini Coopers.
I sorta remember them but it’s a whole new ballgame when you have one of your own.  [Like being able to do a one-armed handstand push-up, say.]

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