A (Really) Happy Valentine’s Day

My most intense sleeps seem to be when I stop working at 1 am, read for a bit, and then fall asleep by 2, only to have Belle decide 4:30 am is a great time for a walk.   I fall asleep very quickly into deep and vivid dreams for a few hours more.
My phone calls got re-arranged a bit (a favorite organic dog food manufacturer is now tomorrow; a publicist had to rearrange), but Susan and Belle and I had the best lunch with Amy Ahlers and her husband Rob, spontaneously joined by Val.   Totally delicious and a totally delightful time.
We’d planned this lunch for a while, with part 2 being a rousing game of Transformation.
Midway through I thought, “This is probably how most people think three best-selling inspirational authors spend their time,” and it’s sorta true –– although it’s taken 2 months to schedule.  [Susan and I have the advantage of being only three stories and 150 feet apart, so it’s a lot easier to make happen.]
The game was fantastic, with tons of synchronicities ranging from each of our Over-Lighting Angels [each of which was a perfect match] to where we landed on the board.
Amy and Rob had to leave to attend their Bella (no relation to my Belle, although we also met a five month old bulldog named “Belle” this morning as well), and Susan and I completed our games.  Transformation is a game without a winner, but that doesn’t stop me from usually declaring myself the Victor for finishing first; today’s game, where I asked about crafting my perfect elevator pitch, seemed like an easy victory, but proved to be my “roughest” game yet.]
I’ve been watching spurts of JACKIE BROWN all day yesterday and today, and did so during a little dinner break — along with two marketing calls.
And then Susan and I watched IT’S A BRAD, BRAD WORLD — which I don’t think exactly fits into people’s conception of how bestselling self-actualization authors hang out (unless they read this blog.)
Val, by the way, had given Susan the best Valentine’s day gift –– this lips pillow, which Belle made great use of while she napped during our Transformation time.
Given that she’s always embodying all levels of love perfectly, there’s not much else for her to do except wait for us to catch-up.

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