So late last night I became obsessed with the whole Human Design system, although I felt more confused perhaps then when I started.
As a PROJECTOR (a minority type), apparently I am supposed to “wait for an invitation” which to me has always been my downfall (ie, I feel I have often spend too much time waiting for the proverbial engraved invitation rather than taking action.)
I do understand however, that this may have more to do with the quality of the waiting — meaning to not fill the space entirely with worry — and may be my greatest challenge AND optimum success strategy.  [And irritatingly perfect that those may be one and the same.]
A wonderful productive afternoon because I traveled down the hill to an office space with daily rentals. 
I don’t know if it was because it was good to leave Home Base to get work done.
Or if it was the fact that I could pretend I was working on a dot com start-up like all the other 20 somethings there.
Or whether just having two large tables for me to place a Trader Joe’s bag full of receipts, unopened bills, and scraps of paper with miscellaneous notes on them caused it …
Or just paying $14 for a day rate caused me to buckle-down and focus  ––
But I truly got more done there in a few hours than I have in a while.
Thai Food from the delicious $5 place with Susan where we watched the episode of MM that we never got around to on Tuesday night.  I still need more time to process the fact that Patti staged a bikini beach party for the Millionaires after episodes before chastising a client for inviting a girl back to his hot tub.  She even made a big speech that no girl wants to be seen in a bikini on a first date.  Surprised I didn’t have more nightmares than I did about this lapse in Matchmaker integrity for the sake of ratings.
Post dinner drove Susan to Whole Foods for supplies, then spent two hours crafting a Law Of Attraction highlights reel from my life (which is pretty great) and then one margarita at Don Pistos where I skimmed two issues of the New Yorker.  Loved this article by Mindy Kalin in particular, which I thought was hilarious.
And then home to watch videos on You Tube about being a PROJECTOR, and become slightly more clear and slightly more confused about the exact status of my aura while taking comfort that Barack Obama and Barbra Streisand (also PROJECTORS) are no doubt going through the exact same thing.

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