“Resistance” is one of those New Age-y terms that’s always semi-baffled me.
It’s one of those super-annoying, over-arching explanations for why you’re not getting what you want –– “because there’s a lot of resistance around this” –– when it’s usually something you really, really want. [IE, You feel like screaming back “I WANT this –– I’m NOT Resisting it!”]
Of course, it’s always easier to see in other people, like one old frenemy who got married somewhat recently (and I’m genuinely and sincerely hapy about that) but who was so desperate for a man in her life for years that it pretty much drove them all away.
But today I just wanted to share how the best example of dealing with resistance I know is Belle regarding her leash.
It doesn’t happen that often –– maybe once or twice a week, sometimes just once a month –– but when her leash gets caught on a something (the gate around our corner or under the tire while rounding the car) she simply freezes and waits for me to figure it out.
She NEVER pulls or tugs or tries to free herself. There’s no yanking or trying to force her way out of the situation.
Belle just pauses, sits down, and lets me deal with untangling her.
Fortunately, I’m usually close by her enough that I notice in 3 seconds that she’s somehow not right by my side.
Belle doesn’t even bark either –– although the one or two times where she’s been accidentally left behind for a moment (like one road trip where we got all the suitcases in the car, but hadn’t fetched her first) she will remind me that she’s there with a single yelp.
Can you imagine how different all of our lives would be if whenever things got TANGLED we simply paused and patiently waited for them to be UNTANGLED (by the Divine, or a helpful angel or even our saner selves) … ?
I mean –– at least for myself –– it would be a REVOLUTION.