My wireless is super-slow these days –– the Comcast people are coming tomorrow at 7:30 am (I’m not kidding) –– to add a DSL line into the cottage, so it’s doubly hard to look up who originated the quote “controlled chaos” about filmmaking.
All I know is that those three words have 209,000 references.
Since we’re struggling for bandwidth, I will keep this super-short:
What an amazing reminder –– and a multi-level synchronicitous one –– on the weekend before we start sending out the novel and screenplay, just what that process is really like. (And a reminder in my own front yard, pretty much.)
Dozens of people at any moment –– and hundreds more behind the scenes –– running around and doing various tasks to get 1 or 2 minutes filmed over days of prep time and production.
My biggest take-away: as Abraham says, there are just SO MANY moving parts, you really have only one wise choice.
You’ve got to let go.
[By the way, this is a picture of assorted change and some kind of vending coins I found on Friday morning at 5:50 walking to me yoga client; I think letting go of all “controlled chaos” pretty much = wealth appearing out of nowhere.]