I got to bed later than I wanted, partially because of restlessness and partial because I couldn’t stop watching THE BIG LEBOWSKI yesterday. I also watched SNATCH which I don’t think I’d ever seen all the way through before. Two super-guy oriented movies –– which I loved –– chosen perhaps because there’s been so much great female energy in my life lately, ranging from my online mastermind group to last night’s dinner with Val and Valerie 2 that I needed a little counterbalance from The Dude(s).
I came through on my morning beach commitment to Belle but it did mean postponing Bikram today since the evening class conflicted with my client call. My little dog was ecstatic which is always a delight, and I was particularly thrilled to find a new perfect stick of the exact right weight, length and shape for tossing. I have truly become that beach eccentric, collecting perfect sticks on a walk and stashing them in my trunk for the next outing.
Client calls are going well, although in scheduling next week while in Alaska I realize we pass through 2 different time zones. That’s all very manageable, although I now have to factor in Hong Kong as well.
To make up for the Bikram, because I want to alternate jump-rope every other day, I did some major inversions. My headstand is at a maxed out 11 minutes, but I decided to try for 7 minute ones instead which seemed to be relatively effortless.
For some reason I’ve avoided DAMAGES –– I think it’s because Glenn Close’s face scares me a bit these days, although I love her Puppies Behind Bars support –– but Netflix REALLY wants me to get involved (they’re convinced it’s the show for me.)
And so I’m plunging in … And 15 minutes in, I think they’re right.