OK, technically one’s a David and one’s a Dave (and I respect that given that I’m an “Edward,” and while a hard-core group of college roommates and people who’ve known me since the Eisenhower administration call me “Eddie” (which I love), I’m not so keen on “Ed” –– although I totally love “Eduardo”).
Anyway, I’m half-way through the second listening to David Neagle’s The Miracle of Money course –– here’s the essence in 3 seconds: it’s all about sales; charge more; money is energetic and if you don’t have enough, you have a blind spot (feel free to paypal me $450) –– and I’m halfway through the first round of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University –– thus far, start with an emergency fund, cut up your credit cards, and resist marketing and impulse buys –– (feel free to paypal me $150 and another $150 when I finish the CDs) –– and I’m both intoxicated and overwhelmed.
David has opened my eyes to all sorts of blocks and all sorts of possibilities.
In fact thanks to him, as of today, I have an (incomplete) new section on my website for being a Creative Guru –– although he is the first to say that I am succeeding because I have 2 clients already, even though the website portion is going to take another day or two to write.
David is brilliant and a total synthesizer of every New Age (aka “crackpot”) book I’ve ever read about money and then some, combined with a very aggressive, slightly bullying tough love approach to coaching you to get past resistance and blind spots.
And I listened to Dave Ramsey on my beach walk with Belle today. (Susan was too deep, deep into my Christmas gift of Downton Abbey and needed to focus there). He’s charmingly/super-annoyingly folksy but he’s all about the practical aspects of financial planning.
I’m both horrified and in-love with Dave Ramsey. It’s both very common-sense and fear-based, a little Christian Conservative Values and super-savvy Consumer Reports reader, and mostly, an outlined plan that several people I know and respect swear has transformed their financial universe.
- Revised Website Today
- Ordered New Business Cards
- Structurally broke apart my script and a blockbuster movie parallel
- Texted back and forth with Susan 4,000 times about the first four episodes of DOWNTON ABBEY
- Beach Walk with Belle
- 7 minute headstand and 12 dropbacks
And speaking of that Beach Walk –– it was amazingly misty and gorgeous and Belle did not disappoint.
Her new thing is sometimes scratching around a bit for her stick but immediately and exuberantly retrieving it from the ocean.
Here’s her little playing around break –– and I have to say that her little smile on her final leap is PRICELESS:
2 Responses
Do they say anything about having a sunglasses reserve?
Both systems are actually designed so I can avoid the incredible pain of sunglass absence in the future.