It seems that the meanest person in the world is editing my screenplay.
And for better or worse, that person is me.
We’re at 260 pages (ha — my typo was “pounds”; I really am on a juice-cleanse mindset) and we want to be at 120 by Monday, so we’re talking about reducing the script by 52%.
I’m slashing paragraphs and pages of Voice Over –– even a few scenes or two –– and as I sit in perfect splendor, vicious pen in hand before returning to my laptop, I realize most of my comments are things like “Who Cares?”
I mean, can you imagine writing stuff like that –– or “Boring” — on anyone else’s work?
Fortunately, I can take the ruthlessness of my own self-critique here, since writer and critic both have the same goal: an utterly lean, juicy script with only the best lines of dialogue and the most elegant, streamlined plot possible.
Thus far, I haven’t had to throw any characters overboard or toss out any plot-lines or subplots, but I will if I have to.
Sadly, Hitchock’s LIFEBOAT is not available for instant viewing but that’s OK since, quite frankly, today my characters and I are living it.