Went swimming for the first time since mid-summer and it was fantastic.
I have been feeling a bit jealous of Belle’s swimming career, although I am not quite brave enough to venture into the Bay to join her.
An extraordinary Yelp offer ($55 for a massage and one month of a gym membership) yielded an outdoor, heated pool (indoor pools are 80% creepy I find) and this one even has a system where you reserve your unshared, solo lane in advance.  Beyond fantastic.
And swimming –– much the trampolines at House of Air –– reconnected me once again with  that dream-like capacity to soar freed from the bounds of gravity.  More Divine Lightness (and aerobics).
Home where I finished outlining the rest of the novel into index card format.
Fascinating to distill the experience of the novel into cards again (I remember starting out with index cards when structuring it in the first place).
And I realize I really am the best person for this job in that no one else knows this content as well as I do –– although not having looked at a draft since April, it was like going through a storage unit and re-discovering everything you’d packed away.
Nap and then OUT OF THIS WORLD non-Yelp massage with Robert.  Two and a quarter hours of total bliss, completely re-aligning everything.
I am just now remember –– since tomorrow I teach my last scheduled Lotus class –– that Val posted something lovely on facebook about how after taking my class she felt “like a feather,” a compliment I’d never heard before.  I asked her more about what she meant and she said that she felt light and effortlessly guided.
Nice to remember that as that’s the exact feeling I’m trying to create for myself.

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