So I showed up for my 3pm haircut at Sal’s and … I was a full week early. Clearly he and I are NOT aligned.
At first, I was frustrated in that I did respond to his Old World, no-nonsense online vibe but he was entirely unaccommodating — no “I could squeeze you in here maybe” — and utterly unhelpful when I asked if he could recommend someone else.  (He just shook his head “no”).
But what caused my bigger horrifying/relieving reaction occurred was realizing that my appointment actually belonged to a father/son duo who had hair that I can only describe as … truly disturbing.
Let’s face it: other than some blips in the 70s and various fringe hair movements like Punk, men’s haircuts from 1920 to 2011 are fundamentally the same. (One of the perks of being a man, frankly.) But honestly, these two had the goofiest, weirdest, most “is that a wig?” hair styles I’ve ever seen.  Seriously.
So despite the positive yelp reviews, I found myself blessed on multiple levels to be fleeing the scene before extensive damage was done (although I am yearning again for a buzz cut ala Harrison Ford in Blade Runner so nothing really can’t be salvaged in my hair universe.)
Other highlights of the day: beach walk with Susan (all of you who aren’t with Susan and me and Belle walking towards the Golden Gate bridge on a perfect afternoon should really rethink your lives).
Pre-packing for NYC.
I can’t go into this here — it is a case for Susan and my detective agency — but 5 or 6 pairs of my underwear have VANISHED.  I’m not kidding.  I can’t tell if I’m being victimized or if someone just really wants to see me naked.  Anyway, the pairs left were sad and ragged and so a trip to Bloomingdales to spice up my undergarment situation was in order.
Prior to that, a 2.5 hours session Skyping with the web designer for the site revisions. (Thrilled to say that we are offering a new course AND a free version of the Ebook if you join the mailing list.)  If you haven’t you should do so IMMEDIATELY.  (I’m serious!)
I love EVERYTHING about this. People reading the book is what it’s all about, honestly — and I’ve already gotten (a few hours later) a delightful email from someone saying they loved the book and are adding it to their Xmas lists (ie, our goal has been met while being generous.)
Have to say, I owe the push towards this to not only Amy Ahlers, but also Paulo Coelho who famously gives away content.
At first it’s scary to give things away so broadly but then it feels utterly freeing and great and without limitation — almost like my evening soak at Kabuki, which I feel now and more akin with (although I still wish it were just a LITTLE BIT HOTTER!)
And finally — although I am skipping ahead — I must share that this morning via a text from my long lost friend Brian about his barber, he revealed a GENIUS haircutter for $5 at this Chinese place who gave me — quite seriously –– the best, fastest, and certainly cheapest haircut I’ve ever received.
And when I tipped her $5 for the $5 haircut, she was euphoric, making me feel as though I were a Rockefeller.
[A boy has to look sharp before his book signings.]
Head straight to New Image for your New Image — at $5, even with the airfare, you’re saving tons of money!

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