Sometimes the Uber Driver Tips YOU

I think (and write) about synchronicity a lot. 

And here’s a particularly fun one, mostly because it includes a gift for you HERE.

While I’ve always been primarily focused on my writing, I’ve often made some kind of visual art to accompany it.

I’ve made pieces mostly just for myself or as gifts to people involved with my projects.

Other than to create something to fill up an embarrassingly empty wall or to give a colleague, I was without ambition.

That changed over a decade ago in a way that I hadn’t anticipated.

My friend Colin, admiring a piece in my old loft, inquired who made it.

I told him I had made all the canvases on that wall.

Smiling, he immediately asked if I would donate something to the annual GLAAD charity art auction, for which he was on the committee.

I did, of course, and as a contributing artist, I got to be there for the event.

I arrived focused primarily on enjoying the passed hors d’œuvres and the open bar until a friend grabbed me by the sleeve.

He led me to the central area and gestured dramatically.

There was my donated canvas.

To my surprise, I was nominated alongside four others as Best Emerging Artist.

An hour later, when the auction for those pieces started, suddenly there was a modest bidding war (for charity) over my canvas.

It went to someone who sold diamonds for a living at Harry Winston…and I thought “Hmmm, maybe there’s something here I should be taking a little more seriously.”

Anyway, over the years since, I’ve had several gallery shows on both coasts and I’ve sold a lot of pieces to collectors, but for me, the visual art has always been on the back burner.

It’s definitely more than a hobby.

And yet, it’s also something I want to do only when I’m genuinely and deeply inspired.

For several years, in fact, I haven’t made any new work.

And now, I find myself inspired again.

Last month––in tandem with my new book proposal going out to publishers––I started creating new pieces related to it.

These works are very different from what I’ve made before (more mixed media and sculptural).

As always, the series shares the title of my newest writing.


And here’s where the synchronicity comes into play.

This Wednesday, Robbie texted me saying that he’d also been inspired by a new career possibility and wanted to play Transformation, the spiritual board game I love.

That night, we played an astonishing game, one that by far was the shortest and most focused I’ve experienced in over a decade.

My question was about the RADICAL ABUNDANCE project.

I began the game and drew from the 72 cards the Guardian Angel of Inspiration––the angel painting a canvas seen below.

The message seemed pretty clear:

Time to Make Some More Art!

Part of these new pieces involves using some actual cash in them, and after googling around, I found the closest currency exchange place near me and set off.

As we neared it, my super-helpful Uber driver asked me where in the row of shops my destination was.

I said I didn’t know since I hadn’t been there before.

I told him that all I knew is that it was a currency exchange place.

He asked if I was going on a trip abroad.

I said, “No.”

He asked if I was returning from a trip.

I said, “No” again.

He seemed perplexed so I told him I was getting some foreign currency for a visual art project I’ve been creating.

As I was about to show him one of the first pieces on my iPhone, he surprised me by opening his wallet and handing me some money.

Specifically, some very beautiful currency from his native Nepal seen below.

I couldn’t help but think that strangers handing you money when you’re working on a book and art series called RADICAL ABUNDANCE is a most auspicious sign.

The synchronicity didn’t stop there, however, I realized as I tipped him.

You see my driver’s name was…Karma.

And, of course, I gave Karma five stars.

About two weeks ago, I launched something quietly on my website.

I didn’t even mention it in these newsletters.

It’s a FREE series of 8 daily emails that introduce some of what my future book discusses.

It’s called RADICAL ABUNDANCE (of course), and if you’re interested you can receive them HERE.

I definitely can’t promise you that angel cards will appear recommending you pursue your visual art side passion…

Or that Uber drivers named Karma will start handing you cash

(I googled it, of course, and that Nepalese bill is worth a little less than a quarter…yet obviously beyond priceless).

What I can promise you is a very short email series over 8 days, one that might just open some equally radical possibilities for abundance in your own life.

Namaste for Now,

P.S. Again, enjoy some FREE Radical Abundance as my gift HERE.

(And if you’re suddenly curious and want to check out some of my previous visual art––it’s buried on my site for all but the best detectives––it’s HERE.)

And the new Radical Abundance pieces will be revealed…soonish!

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