The Case Against Abundance

I wanted to keep this email super-short for a few reasons.

First, I’m working on launching something this month that I’m excited about.

Second, and more importantly, quite frankly there’s way too much hype about 2021 already.

As the comedian Jordan Firstman shared in his IG “Impersonation” of 2021 in therapy:

“There’s a lot of pressure on me right now.
I’m just the same as December 2020.
I just changed my name.”

I’m also reminded of what Andy Warhol said:

“They always say time changes things,
but you actually have to change them yourself.”

Completely true, but even so, given how challenging 2020 has been for almost everyone, it’s hard to begrudge ourselves the hope for new beginnings, for a return to health and prosperity.

That’s why for the first offering for 2021, I wanted to offer an Abundance Meditation.

And yet, right before I recorded it, the words of a “Marketing Wizard” in the transformation and personal growth sphere haunted me:

“Abundance” is what New Age people who don’t have any money say they want, when what they really want is cash.

I laughed at his off-the-record cynicism but I also appreciated his point.

I do, however, really like what the Angel Card for Abundance in the Transformation Game advises:

“Cultivate an attitude of generosity and act as though there is plenty for you and for everyone, everywhere. Give freely and generously.”

It’s often been especially difficult lately to believe that “there is plenty for you and for everyone, everywhere” and yet choosing to live and act from that mindset can be enormously empowering.

Approached this way, Abundance transcends bank balances and net worth.

Ultimately, I hope 2021 brings us all more of that sense of Abundance via an attitude of generosity. 

Maybe then we can create a world where there truly is plenty for everyone, everywhere.

Namaste for Now,

P.S. The New Meditation is HERE.

The FREE downloadable RICH WITH PURPOSE Journal HERE.

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