Have been feeling great paradox yesterday –– can one more AMAZING and totally life-changing career thing possibly happen while at the same time I seem unable to succeed at creating and/or implementing a functional survival plan –– but raced to teach my 12:30 Lotus class.
Having only 10 minutes before class to grab a slice of pizza, I was plunged into near despair when the clerk at the pizza place four stores down told me it would be 15 minutes before the pizza was ready.  I may have said something like “my life is ruined” or “nothing will ever work out for me.”
Two gentlemen, however, at the nearby table volunteered a slice of their pizza.  In fact, they insisted I have three left over slices — one and a half for me, and one which I brought to Belle after class.
In all seriousness, this was kind of like a miraculous demonstration of the universe’s power to work things out.  My straightforward plan (I shall purchase a slice and leave and enter the center in the nick of time) was thwarted, while the final outcome –– strangers helping AND getting not one, not two, but THREE slices for FREE that were already completely ready so I could arrive at class early –– seemed to be a direct communication that I can maybe, just maybe trust that things will work out for me (at least on the pizza level).
What happened was so much smoother and better than I could have envisioned (surpassable only if this turned into a “cute meet” or an investor), and it was all rather simple and effortless.
Please Note:  this is a picture of the actual slice right before I consumed it.  (Somehow that seems important for you to know.)
After class, an amazing beach walk with Belle where I found a mini plank of wood which seem to have no distinguishing features other than it’s unusual size (about 6 x 8 inches and then one inch thick).  It proved to be excellent for floating brightly on top of the water and this was a rare beach walk where it survived the entire journey without being lost at sea.
Although there was truly nothing remarkable about it, someone had written with a sharpie:  “Save” and “Template.”  (I have no idea why).
Lately I have been thinking of the fifth season (yes, we all know it’s the weakest) of BUFFY, THE VAMPIRE SLAYER where they battle Glory, the demon god who shares human form with good, sweet Ben.  In the penultimate episode the running joke is that there is a dark magic at work where every human (not vampires or other supernaturals) instantly forgets that Glory and Ben are one in the same.   Ben will turn into Glory or vice versa and blow everyone’s mind and then everyone (but Spike) will instantly forget it.
Spike, of course, begins to lose patience with everyone being unable to recall what they have just seen with their own eyes.
I’ve been feeling the same way about learning these life lessons about abundance and manifestation.
The miracle occurs and then somehow it’s instantly forgettable as the next crisis looms large.
Fortunately, for the Scooby Gang, after multiple transformations are witnessed this Dark Magic does start to wear off.
But in real life, how many Pizza Miracles does it take!

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