The Most Important Thing…

It’s a very LOUD time.

So many voices are struggling to be heard.

(And so many NEED to be heard.)

Unfortunately, it seems like listening has truly become a lost art.

That’s why my new meditations HERE are an open invitation to listen more deeply.

Please Note: 

I don’t just mean listening to the vital conversations about social injustice and inequality.

Of course, we need to listen to those who are different than us.

(Otherwise, we cannot help but fail to understand their experiences and add to their pain.) 

But there are so many kinds of listening we need to develop.

We also always need to listen to the messages from our own bodies.

(Otherwise, we can get ill and injured.)

And, perhaps most importantly, we also need to listen to our Inner Guidance.

By “Inner Guidance,” I mean what my wonderful friend, the remarkable artist and author SARK calls our “Inner Wise Self,” or what Lissa Rankin, MD and New York Times bestselling author, calls our “Inner Pilot Light,” or the phrase I’ve used in all my recent books and online courses, the “Guru Within.

One quick note about the tricky word “Guru.”

We all know that “Guru” means “teacher” or “authority” but there’s more to it than that.

Many believe that the word “Guru” comes from the Sanskrit roots gu (गु) and ru (रु).

Specifically, that translates to a) the darkness and b) the light that dispels it.

(You won’t be able to ask anyone who wrote the original Vedic texts, however, because they’ve all been dead for about 2,300 years.)

But those etymologies reveal what listening is truly all about:

Allowing the light to dispel the darkness.

And, once again, the only way to do that is to listen…

• To Others

• To Our Bodies

• To Our Inner Guidance / Guru Within.

I hope these meditations HERE help you do just that.

Namaste for Now,

P.S. As usual, the Sufi poet Hafiz said it best 700 years ago:

Listen to others?
As if everyone were my Master
Speaking to me

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