It’s Been an Awful Week

The events of the past week have been so disturbing that it feels both necessary to respond and yet nearly impossible to respond in a way that’s meaningful.

Yes, we can show support and solidarity through social media postings.

But that can also feel trivial, especially since we are usually preaching to the choir.

And yes, all the wellness practices (HERE) I share are still needed, perhaps now more than ever.

* * *

Earlier in the week, I was planning on writing something around coaching that I’ve received in a mastermind group. 

Namely, allowing myself to have truly unscheduled time.

I’m not talking about those fleeting moments after I’ve finished all the tasks on my to-do list (which pretty much translates to texting while watching Netflix and drinking wine).

I’m talking about creating more unplanned windows of time.

And, more importantly, NOT immediately trying to fill those unplanned windows with something, whether productive or diverting. 

The equivalent, in other words, of allowing an awkward silence around time. 

If I can create such a time vacuum, that might allow for something new to arise.

Something fresh.

Something I can learn from (rather than just repeating my good and bad habits).

And then it occurred to me that this is what we should all be doing regarding our listening (always, but especially now).

We really need to:

• Allow space for others to be heard.

• Actively listen (rather than just planning our responses).

• Be willing to be uncomfortable not with the awkward silence, but with hearing the truths of the experiences of others.

* * *

Look, admittedly, I am a VERY white guy. 

In fact, my Ancestry DNA is singularly pale.

That’s why it’s all the more important that I commit to really listening and really learning.

And maybe so can we all.

Namaste for Now,

P.S. And, if you want to contribute here are three GoFundMe options:

• To help George Floyd’s family cover funeral and burial costs, legal fees, and continued care for his children HERE 

• For Ahmaud Arbery’s family and their legal battles you can donate HERE

• And for Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, in his legal fight HERE 

Remember: We are not FREE until EVERYONE is free.

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