The “High” Price of Accountability

When I interviewed a dozen or so people about what they most wanted / needed to really achieve their goals, to really live a life that was Rich With Purpose, one thing stood out over and over again:


The problem is, accountability seems a little…scary.

Whether it’s cheating on a math quiz or committing a felony, I’ve never heard the phrase “You will be held accountable!” used for anything positive.

And yet, we all know we need accountability.

(often desperately)

Somehow the phrase “Accountability Buddy” manages to soften it considerably, implying that maybe there’s going to be some good-natured camaraderie involved.

(Note: I have an excellent accountability buddy in Belle who wakes me at 5:30 every day, rain or shine, weekday or holiday, to feed her; how I choose to spend the rest of the morning, she leaves up to my own discretion.)

Even on the morning after her birthday party, Belle is TOTALLY ON IT!

Anyway, way back in January, I shared in these newsletters that the only way I was able to make any progress on my new project––an eight-part course for an online platform with Beyonce-level numbers (meaning 65 million people visit it each month)––was by having seven different accountability buddies.

(i.e., I needed someone I could check in with for each day of the week).

More accurately, I needed someone who would check in WITH ME if I didn’t report that I’d finished what I had committed to do that day.

Several friends, in fact, clearly set alarms and were more vigilant about me meeting my self-imposed deadlines than I will ever be.

And…it actually worked!

I turned everything in last month.

Right now, I’m just awaiting final comments that are trickling in, currently based on my awesome editor’s four-year-old’s play schedule.

This clarity around the power of accountability is why for our Rich With Purpose Inner Circle membership, we’ll help hook you up with your own Accountability Buddy HERE.

That’s truly invaluable.

Speaking of which, here’s the ironic thing about the “High Price” of Accountability I mention in the subject line:

The Inner Circle is actually only $1 for the first month (and you can quit whenever you want).

The “High Price” I’m talking about is the one you pay for NOT havingaccountability.

Not getting things done, not staying on track with your dreams can be enormously costly.

As Wayne Dyer said:

“Don’t die with the music still in you.”

Whether or not you join the membership, I invite you to explore increasing the accountability in your life.

I know without it, I definitely wouldn’t have finished my new course.

I’d still be watching Netflix.

Namaste for Now,

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