Defecting from the Crackpot Camp

Some of my best friends––and I say this with love––are crackpots.

According to Merriam-Webster, the term “Crackpot” means: 

One given to eccentric or lunatic notions…

Or, as the Cambridge Dictionary puts it (a little more harshly):

A crazy or strange person.

Of course, lunacy (and/or normality) may be entirely in the eye of the beholder, but still…I think we all know when someone’s gone more than a little ways off the beaten path.

Please bear in mind that I definitely have friends who are partners at law firms or investment advisors to multi-millionaires; I hang out with TV executives and Ivy League college professors and fashion bloggers.

And yet, I’m no stranger to those with both feet in the “Crackpot Camp.”

Alongside a slew of astrologers, medical intuitives, and sound and crystal healers in my life, I’ve come across folks who channel dolphin collectives or those who offer advice given by aliens communicating from alternative future dimensions.

Why am I thinking about all this…?

Although there are now over 50,000 students in my online courses, I’m creating something for a new site that has more than 12 times the reach of my current platform. (Details very soon.)

But here’s the thing, since this site is HARD-CORE SCIENCE-BASED, everything I write is vetted by a rigorous editorial staff and then medically reviewed.

I can’t simply share something I’ve tossed off a million times––and which is utterly true––like “The breath is the most powerful way to center yourself,” without linking to several university studies proving that.

Or, for example, everything I offer about the power of shifting mindset, I now need to back up not just with anecdotes from my own experience, but from relevant laboratory tests.

It’s really inspiring…and hugely challenging.

My thinking is that it won’t take the charm away from the more colorful aspects of my crackpot universe––who doesn’t love wise aliens and concerned dolphins?––but instead gives a basis of legitimacy, a sense of grounding to everything else.

That’s partly why this Meditation of the Month is themed around GROUNDING.

When we’re grounded we recognize wisdom that rings true for us, no matter the source.

It may come from the latest scientific studies.

It may come from ancient mystical traditions.

It may even have a decidedly crackpot edge to it.

All that matters is that this wisdom enriches our experience of being human––which is in itself already a rather crazy mind / body / spirit rollercoaster ride. 

Enjoy this month’s grounding meditation HERE and…

Namaste for Now,

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