April 2023


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

First, he never actually said it. Second, as metaphorical advice, it’s pretty terrific, yet if taken literally, it’s definitely unwise at best. I’m referring to the adage often incorrectly ascribed to Hemingway: Write Drunk,  Edit Sober. Despite his well-documented problems with alcohol,...
I don’t think he learned it from Bill Gates. (At least not directly). But as I was reading through the next section of Essentialism, I couldn’t help but wonder about yet another quirky, self-taught aspect of Vlad’s behavior. (And it’s one that’s escalated considerably now that the Brooklyn tempera...
Nearly 3,000 years ago, Heraclitus taught us that “Character is destiny.” More and more, life has taught me how true this is. And nowhere do I see it more clearly demonstrated than each morning on the baseball field. Of course, I’m not really talking about the humans. Instead, I’m much more int...
It’s a problem I face only a few times a year. Nonetheless, I find myself resisting solving it, perhaps for reasons beyond how it tests my patience. Namely, the wind chimes that my friend Pam gave me as a sweet memorial gift when Belle went to her heavenly reward desperately require untangling. ...
This guided meditation is 5 minutes long with an extra 10 minutes more of music by my talented friend Andrew Shapiro. You can stream it here or download in the link below. CLICK TODownload