March 2023


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

Unfortunately, the situation has risen to an operatic pitch.  It’s become an almost Shakespearean saga of passion, intrigue and revenge, complete with heroes and villains. I’m talking, of course, about the drama around the baseball field and the puppy community. Last Saturday morning a Parks ...
I found the Academy Awards this year both moving and disorienting. While I was pleased with many of the winners, given that the theme I’ve been exploring this month is Resilience (Meditation HERE), several of the “Never Give Up On Your Dream” Victory Speechesinspired reflection, if not outright skeptici...
Last week I shared how my pre-Covid project about Resilience got completely derailed before it even left the station. When it was still alive and kicking, however, I remember googling images for Resilience mostly to decorate the covers of my research binders. Sadly, almost everything that came up was...
I’m beyond envious of Vlad’s new two-part morning ritual. Every day, he and I usually arrive at the baseball field a little before his friend Moon does. The moment Moon is off leash he runs towards us, waiting for the opportunity to steal whatever ball Vlad has in play. Vlad lets him. Onc...
This guided meditation is 9 minutes long with an extra 12 minutes more of music by my talented friend David Buchs. You can stream it here or download in the link below. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD