December 2022


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

Last Sunday, Vlad and I accidentally got caught up in a mob. (One brimming with teeth and claws.) Innocently enough, we were headed out for our early afternoon walk to the wine store when we spied a roving pack of dogs at the intersection. Vlad immediately recognized our friend Miku the Weimerehne...
It’s always important to consider the source of your advice. The wisdom I’ll soon reveal came from a college friend and, when it comes to business savvy, I believe this story demonstrates his credibility. During an intense round of interviews for a prestigious post-college position, the interviewer a...
I’ve witnessed this scene countless times (and I’m sure you have, too). In fact, I feel I watched it at least twice this week in Netflix binges I’ve already forgotten. Our hero needs some vital information. She/He sits before a stony bureaucrat who has the necessary intel, pleading their case. ...
It may be both the most sincere and also the most ruthless thing I do. Each year, I invite my nearest and dearest over to decorate our Christmas tree. It is a delightful gathering where I serve only gingerbread. At the same time, it’s also an incredible time saver. It’s perhaps a no...
This guided meditation is a little over 8 minutes long with an extra 12 minutes more of music by my talented friend David Buchs. You can stream it here or download in the link below. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD