April 2021


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

New webinar link is HERE. My flash sale (sorta) offering is HERE. There’s nothing more annoying than a Humble Brag…but that’s not what this is. I’ve had some major marketing successes, more often than not when almost everyone told me I was wrong. For example, I knew instantly that the concept of “Y...
New webinar link is HERE. I’ve only been fired twice. The first time––as a temp working at Warner Brothers––I definitely deserved it. (I’m saving that story for later). The second time….well, maybe not so much. As Sophia on The Golden Girls would say: “Picture it: NYC in the very early Aughts…i...
I think (and write) about synchronicity a lot.  And here’s a particularly fun one, mostly because it includes a gift for you HERE. While I’ve always been primarily focused on my writing, I’ve often made some kind of visual art to accompany it. I’ve made pieces mostly just for myself or as gifts ...
New Meditation of the Month is HERE I’ve heard this quote in way too many yoga classes. It’s actually an old alchemical proverb––although some pretty famous modern people have taken credit for it: “With repetition the magic is forced to arise.” Unfortunately, that’s totally not true. In fact, a f...
This meditation is 7 minutes long with an extra 8 minutes more of music by my talented friend David Buchs. You can stream it or download below. Or click toDownload