January 2021


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

I almost didn’t write this…but she would have wanted me to. It was over a decade ago when I began talking to strangers about Belle, my chocolate lab. Specifically, to students in public yoga classes. We were required to open each class with a “Dharma Talk”––a short sharing of the spirit of yoga philo...
Like you I’m sure, I subscribe to way too many mailing lists. Since information fatigue seems more and more rampant, a whole lot of them are trying to manage my anxiety by telling me that yes, they’re going to inform me…but in only the most moderate doses, ones I just might be able to handle. In fact, ...
Are you an Imposter Quiz HERE At this point, the odds are microscopic that I will ever get any tattoos. It’s not so much a style thing or an avoidance of pain. It’s that I’ve evolved enough to question just how permanent a statement I want to make on my own body. If I did reverse my position on bod...
I wanted to keep this email super-short for a few reasons. First, I’m working on launching something this month that I’m excited about. Second, and more importantly, quite frankly there’s way too much hype about 2021 already. As the comedian Jordan Firstman shared in his IG “Impersonation” of 2021 in...
This guided visualization meditation is about 6 minutes long, followed by 15 minutes more of music by my friend David Buchs. It can be streamed or downloaded. Click toDownload