October 2015


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

My Dad died this October 2nd. When they asked me to do the eulogy…well, I just couldn’t. (My brother did a fine job). Only after the funeral did I realize what I might have said. Growing up in the 1930s, like many Catholics, my Dad was a member of The Legion of Decency (1933-1980), an organizat...
Getting ready for Belle’s Birthday party this Sunday is a full-time job. Just finished preparing the food for the “secret” After Party. And do we think 45 helium balloons are enough? (I just don’t want to leave her scarred her from a tragic lack of attention.)
I never noticed this before until after my father’s military funeral, but it’s funny how I’m standing here while teaching yoga at the 1st Summer Solstice celebration in Times Square, basically standing military “at ease” style. I guess I inherited more from my Marine Dad than ...
My Dad died on Friday night, Oct. 2nd. Thanks for all the kind thoughts being sent my way, especially for my Mom.