June 2015


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

Belle and I are celebrating the Supremes’ Decision today. An amazing Victory for Love (and Common Sense).    
Helen Mirren is spectacular (no surprise there). What did surprise me is how human she made the Queen, far more than she did in THE QUEEN. I’m not particularly interested in the monarchy––I don’t rush out to buy PEOPLE when Kate’s on the cover––but this really did offer such a unique and ...
On Sunday, I saw the last performance of THE VISIT with Chita Rivera (82 years old). A moment of theater history, complete with her standing ovation (which must have lasted for 3 minutes) the moment she walked on stage. And then endless applause at the line “I’m unkillable.” And then anot...
I have been very delinquent lately re: Social Media + Blogging + Newsletter-ing. There have been lots of reasons for resistance about this, including an internal debate between “Is anybody listening/Does anybody care?” to “What do I know about anything…?” I’ve also been ...
I stumbled on this quote this morning as I’m getting ready to launch my first online pilot for THE YOGA OF MONEY (and my first ever online course period.) Honestly nothing helps me get ready like a deadline. And, as Douglas Adams said, “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they g...