January 2013


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

According to The Urban Dictionary, the phrase OFF THE HOOK “is actually a modernization of a series of slang words. Closely related to off the chain, there refering to something being so “fresh” and “new” that its literally right off the store shelf. (started in reference to c...
I posted this yesterday on The Face Place, but this morning I re-started my fitness regime –– and intensely since I realize I have REAL deadlines approaching, like Cancun and then a book launch, where I prefer not to devolve into Truman Capote, but rather … well, can you think of a successful author ...
My last newsletter provoked a MAJOR response from my readers, really striking a chord. If you missed it –– here’s a LINK –– but in brief it told a Stephen Covey story about rocks and your priorities.  And of course, we only teach what we have to learn. Since I’ve had moments of feeling overwhel...
After a wonderful morning client call –– and a no show consult with someone in Australia who clearly did not understand the time difference –– I went with D&S to Ecstatic Dance in Oakland and … well, even though I wish it were, it’s not really my thing. For example, I deeply admire the free...
One of my many favorite things about Belle is that whenever she gets her leash caught on something –– the gate in the garage passageway, the wheel of a parked car when she’s rounding a corner –– she simply stops and waits to be released. She never tugs or tries to pull or do anything to aggravate the...
Here’s my little dog –– her tail a happy blur of wagging –– captured last night by Svetlana at my opening. Today I wisely cancelled all work appointments beyond some important writing I’m doing for Genevieve’s new restaurant –– I’m crafting the mission statement etc. –– and had only...
My opening tonight was incredibly fun. I began the day with a quick spa visit to hot and cold plunge myself so that I was cleaned and refreshed.  Then two client calls and signing off from all other biz for the day –– although technically since I sell paintings I was still sort of on the c...
All week people have been asking me if I’m ready for my opening on Thursday at Cavallo. It’s a natural question, but since everything’s been hung since January 5th –– honestly, it feels like I’ve been ready forever. There have been a few last minute things ––  sending out some email...
Since I began formalizing the Creative Coaching a scant 9 months ago, I’ve rapidly risen to the point that, according to an email blast I received today, I am at phase #3:  Building a Coaching DYNASTY.  [There’s only one stage after this, The Legacy Phase.] Anyway, what I identified with is tha...