November 2012


spiritual empowerment, practical solutions, & playful adventures to transform your life

(& a lot of stories about my dog)

I had a very productive day –– several client calls, lots of work for my January gallery show, ending with a dinner with Susan and John and Val and Clark and Jonah and his friend and Val’s parents –– but I have to admit that I’ve been meditating non-stop on all the life lessons from this week&#...
After last night’s Hate (e)mail: 1.   MAJOR breakthroughs –– and I’m not kidding, I feel utterly transformed. 2.  I need a night/day off.  
Email from a hater last night. So crazy … but fortunately SK(W) was around to advise (and then Adrian) and I realized that there’s just no way to respond to this kind of thing (really). Except to write all your responses with a sharpie … and then let it go. Completely. [And honestly, don&...
So says my friend, Daniel. And I did wake up at 5:30 am to teach.  I returned home and rested a bit before a client call and then a spontaneous trip to Cavallo Point to double-check the measurements of one of the spaces for my January through March show … And I learned that there was an odd space fre...
Literally counting down the seconds until 3:47 PST today when Mercury went direct. I don’t like to get too invested in all this astrology S&*T but … when your 2 month old modem needs to be replaced and the cable company can’t find you and you buy tickets to a screening that vanishes, ...
With Mercury in retrograde for another 2 days, not only did my wireless go out, the cable repair people ignored my directions and didn’t call and missed me (rescheduling for tomorrow am after I basically threatened genocide.) On the extremely positive side, my last night eblast had the biggest respon...
Post writing all day and jump rope and dropping Sarah off at the airport, I sent out a large eblast tonight and –– as I always do –- decide to make sure I felt good and ready and aligned before several thousand people received it.  [And texted Susan simultaneously for her mystical laser beam of love contri...
After a day of two client calls (with great results) and then dinner with Susan, John, Belle, Sarah, and Jonah (almost 9) –– Sarah and I rushed off to see Twilight –– for which I had previously gotten tickets online. Oddly, when I tried to swipe my credit card, the theater informed us that the showing was ...
Amazingly delightful Thanksgiving with Susan and John and Sarah and Belle at Amy Ahler’s. So much to appreciate … (And perhaps my favorite moment of the night was a 12 year-old boy who put on this tiara and totally pulled it off.) (Amazing.)