I began today with Bikram which I realize, since my monthly expired, I’ve been drifting by only once or twice a week.
I do love it but it is a major commitment –– 90 minutes of class plus 30 minutes of travel each way = a 2.5 hour activity –– and I feel that starting my morning at 11 am (if I take the 9 am class) or stopping work at 4:00 (if I take the 4:30) makes me feel conflicted.
My goal now is to take 3 classes a week which seems more than reasonable, and now that it’s getting a little chilly in SF, even more attractive.
A Subtle Magic Synchronicity today in that I wrote to three of the old buyers in bulk of Yoga In Bed DVDs on a spontaneous intuition to offer them the renewed bulk rate, and one of them said they were just about to email me since an order had come in for another hundred for their cruise line.
Mostly though, besides client calls, I’ve been prepping for my trip to North Carolina for the panel I’m moderating on Saturday, prepping for Adrian’s arrival tomorrow to watch Belle while I’m gone and then hang out with me for a few days afterwards, and doing a little pre-paving for my LA trip for next week.
And have I mentioned that I’ve fallen totally in love with Dropbox?
There are so many things I have on my hard drive I don’t need but on the other hand don’t feel like ditching completely, that tossing them into Dropbox feels like a godsend.
For example, on the photoshoots for my birthday dropbacks there are literally 500 photographs for each of the last three or four years.  Do I REALLY need 2000 photos of myself?
Mostly, I’ve picked my favorite selects already but it seems almost reckless to just throw out all the extras.
And, in a similar spirit, I went through Itunes searching for duplicates and eliminated another 3 or 4 gigs worth of material.
I feel lighter already.
[And seriously, clutter reduction of all kind is like the best thing for welcoming in the new.]

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