I participated in the global meditation today at 6:30 pm PST via the Master Shift with many thousands of others across the globe.

And I thoroughly enjoyed it –– although I’m not sure if I felt any particular 12/12/12 magic, beyond that it was also Adrian and Tevis’ birthday.
I take that back:  I’ve been having double wheat grass shots every morning and I do have to say they are insanely potent, if not somehow magical.  I think it’s vital for my healing process –– meaning removing any residual chemicals from the anesthesia –– and it certainly allows you to feel quite virtuous at the same time.
And I also have to admit that I deliberately strategized using the meditation as an alignment platform to launching in to the next phase of the play (ie, actually WRITING it).
Although right now I’m entirely torn between working for another hour before bed or watching THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLES, a documentary that is simply ASTONISHING and which I’m sure I’ll write about tomorrow.

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